Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 3: Lesson

Since we are talking about why God created women, I thought it would be good to share this interesting question:

Why did God use Adam's rib to create Eve?

Check out this article to learn about it!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 2: Homework

Your homework for week 2 is: select your scripture on beauty.

The Bible verse you pick will be what you base your art poster off of.

In case you need help searching for a verse, follow this link to see a list of recommended verses:

Here's the verse I selected: 

"Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit..." (1 Peter 3:4)

If you were going to pick the same one, don't worry about "copying." Bible verses are meant to be shared!

See you on Thursday!

Week 2: Lesson

"I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20)

I really like the analogy given in this week's lesson: it talks about the heart being like a Pinterest board.

I don't know if many of you have seen Pinterest*, but it's like a digital bulletin board. You can collect things that hold special meaning to you. *(Don't get an account unless your parents say so. There is still garbage out there!)

Right now, my board looks something like this:
Obviously, I like collecting fashion, photo inspiration, blogs I like to read, and BBC shows I like to watch ;)

Now, I would much rather share a public image of my Pinterest board over a private look at what I pin to my heart. For I realize that it does NOT look so pretty and pristine. My heart is sinful, and it can put other things before God.

Sometimes I get too caught up in worldly stuff like movies, clothes, or secular music. Sometimes I care too much about my friends, and not enough for my family. I will value "me" time over serving others. I pin "love...with strings attached," "crabby attitude," and "short temper" to my heart board.

Here's the scary part: I can get comfortable living this way! Why? Because I am sinful by nature, and I fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

But here's the good news: God has given me a new identity!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week 1: Homework

Your project for this week is to find an example of false theology regarding the body.

Today I will be sharing my own example:  Vegan clothing = Naturalism. 

No leather, no wool, no silk. This idea is false--God gives us dominion over animals (Gen. 9:3)

Vegan: it isn't just a way of eating. It is a whole belief system. A religion.

Nowadays, it is very popular to "go green" and be eco-friendly. But to vegans it so much more than recycling.  

According to Vegan Values, they "avoid wearing animal products, such as leather and wool, and are also more likely than other vegetarians to shun alcoholic beverages, processed foods, and foods grown with chemical fertilizers or pesticides."

Tree Hugger says, "...Vegans are asked, chickens aren't killed for their eggs, sheep aren't killed for their wool and do you really care about snails and silkworms?
The thing to understand about veganism, as a philosophy, is that it starts with the precept that we, as humans, do not have any right to "use" animals for anything. That our use of animals, who have no choice in the matter, is a form of exploitation. And that we should avoid, to the extent it is possible, all forms of that exploitation."

Their #1 objective is to save animals and the environment at all costs.  Vegan Values continues, "The fruit of this awareness is inner peace, the quiet strength of ethical confidence, and an uplifting sense of fulfillment."

They seek peace in themselves and their choice to value animals and the earth so highly. Their gods are animals and earth; they worship that instead of the Almighty God! 

Choosing veganism and eco-friendly living at all costs is clearly a false ideology. And so it is with vegan clothing. 

Too funny not to share: A vegan t-shirt design. 
See you on Thursday!

Week 1: Ideas Have Consequences

This week we are talking about ideas.

Every choice you make is either rooted in ideas from God and His Word, or your own ideas. We need to stop and ask ourselves:
-Where are our ideas are coming from?  
-Why do we desire to dress the way we do? Act the way we do?

Is it to fulfil our own selfish desires (the flesh), or the spirit? (Galatians 5:16-26)

What is going on inside our hearts?

Bottomline: Ideas have consequences. This is very plain to see in the culture around us. Beauty...what God created for good is mutilated, and distorted. Or flaunted, or paraded inappropriately to draw attention to only ourselves INSTEAD of bringing attention to the God who created us.

One of the first things we need to do is repent of any false ideas we have on beauty, and ask God to work in us to make our hearts willing to accept His.

Here is an example of how ideas have consequences. When used with manipulation, make-up and photoshop can create a false idea of reality. Presenting: Dove Evolution.

See you on Thursday!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Intro: Reclaiming Beauty

Hey, chicas! Welcome to class :)

Before we get rolling, I wanted to share with you some of the content we will be covering, and a few questions you can be thinking about.

For starters... What do you consider to be beautiful?
Are your ideas in align with what God created you to be? 
What do people see when they look at you? 
Can they tell you are a follower of Christ?

In your "Reclaiming Beauty" study course we are going to learn what the Bible has to say about beauty. How God's Word has principles that first apply to our hearts and blossom out to affect how we choose to be and look on the outside too.

Here is a quick look at the topics:

-Biblical womanhood
-being modest and pure inside and out
-our identity in Christ, and how our beauty should reflect Him
-how our bodies are God's temple (1 Cor. 6)
-good and bad ideologies throughout history that impact our definition of beauty today
-helpful tips on fashion style, health, and how we carry ourselves

See you on Thursday!